Friday, August 7, 2009

The Economics Of Jump-Offs

I’ve been on hiatus for a while. I would apologize, but I’ve been having fun and living life. I didn’t wanna neglect you guys for much longer so here is an actual question from the audience.

My boy Josh asked…

Why don’t jump offs play their position?

This is an excellent question by the way. Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. An economy is an orderly, functional arrangement of parts. The strength of an economy is its ability to maintain a balance between the production of good or service, the cost of service and consumer demand. Now, why am I telling you all this?

The advent of a large number of jump-offs attempting to change their status from an expendable good, used for certain “services,” to a commodity with an inflated value has been crippling the market. The needs to smash have never changed. The existence of jump-offs has pretty much stayed constant for years (thank you feminist movement for the up surge in recent years).
Her chest isn't the only thing that's over inflated in this pic?
But with the “rise in cost” and a decrease in value inflation has run rampant. The inflated value of jump-offs comes from many sources. Here are some of the major players.

1. The Advent of the Jump-Off Activists.
Women who were once used exclusively for their good looks, awesome assets and amazing…talents, started to demand respect and for some reason people started to give it to them. They wrote books. (Karrine Steffans is a New York Times Best Selling author. My only question is who deserves a swift kick in the nads for this. Any woman who bought this book for leisure should be sterilized.). They started speak out on the “atrocities” of being sluts.
The glasses are for... protect.

2. Trickin’ on Ho’s
Men started to not only pay for but acknowledge these women in public. You would have never seen JFK acknowledge Marilyn Monroe in public and hold her hand. But I’ve seen Kanye with that video ho for the past like 6 months wherever he goes.

Is this what's really good in the streets?

3. The Feminist Movement.
Not all women deserve to be empowered. You wouldn’t spend upwards of $200,000 on a piece of art for a baby to play with. This is the same reason you don’t try to instill “self respect in hos.” They wouldn’t know what to do with it so they’ll end up fucking up everything. They did a large amount of blame shifting from themselves onto men. We don’t make jump-offs. We find them that way.

So your average jump-off nowadays has a slew of “ho to housewife” examples to look up to and has taken to the bars and clubs looking for those willing to pay to play. Back in the day prominent men were known to smash these women and never associate with them in public. We all know JFK smashed Marilyn Monroe but do you have any picture of him holding her hand or some shit? No. Why? Because that shit ain’t cool. They want that “late night love” to translate into a romance like Julia Roberts in that movie where she was a prostitute. We must tell these “Pretty Woman” wannabes to fallback and know their roles. We need to protest these prominent men who are wifing these jump-offs. Kanye with whoever that shaved head chick is, anyone who openly dates Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton or a Kardashian for that matter. We must realize that these are not people to look up to but shun. Putting Jump-offs in their place is the only way we can take back our economy.

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