Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ask an Asshole, and you might learn some shit.

I've been told I have a pretty interesting point of view. I’ve also been told that I’m an asshole. Because I don’t wanna be pigeon-holed into the “he’s just a fucking hater” category, I’m starting a segment called “Ask an Asshole.” You can send your questions and I’ll answer them in the Most Honest Fashion ever, if I find it relatively entertaining or important. Don’t be mad if I shit on you though. It’s in my nature. My boy Chuck asked the following…

"When did it become cool to accept the mediocre and hate the exceptional?"


2 things happened. The mediocre became acceptable when the hood became the end all be all of happiness in popular culture. The hood is by far the EASIEST place to find and keep a niche. May not be the safest place, but once you're in, you're in. There's no real work to it. There's no real test to it. So people had nothing to do but settle. And when you settle, you end up with mediocre shit. That's why you see lames rocking remakes of remakes of remakes of Jordans. That's why you see talentless lames on television day in and day out. (Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS "New York Goes to Work." Someone on VH1 deserves a fucking slap)

The 2nd thing that happened was fucking sanganos. They were cool for a sec because women in general started looking for "someone who's sensitive" but stopped weeding out the bitch niggas like they was supposed to. So young niggas at a crossroad saw sanganos getting bitches. These youngins began looking up to sanganos. And these sanganos had less charisma than those that came before them, plus they grew up in the age of Katt Williams, so they were aspiring haters. The problem was that they didn't hate on shit that they should have (bitch niggas, bitch ass niggas, tricks, marks, mark ass tricks and trick ass marks). They hated on those with style cause they didn't have any. They hated on those who got the better breed of women cause they were relegated to hoes and leftover loser bitches. They hated those with money cause they didn't have the talent to get it on their own. They were the majority in size but the minority in anything that mattered, so anything that did matter became hated. The exceptional was rejected. And America suffers today for it.

Thanks for the question Chuck. Remember to submit your general questions in the comment section and I’ll get back to you as soon as…well whenever I feel like it.


  1. yo...can you please rant on people who are fucking sheep...and by sheep, i mean people who are uncomfortable doing anything on their own and therefore must copy someone else. I fucking hate this bull shit...please rant for me...

  2. that did not come in the form of a question leslie. please ask nicely.

  3. "can you please rant on people who are fucking sheep"?
