Friday, July 17, 2009

Whats wrong with YOU people? And yes that's exactly how I meant it?

Whenever I go back to the Bronx, I know exactly what to expect. Yet and still, I am surprised every single time. I get on the 6 train with the suits and yuppies on 33rd, get off at 138th and immediately I’m greeted by panhandlers and random teens trying to sell me weed. I get to the park and I’m sitting there waiting for my friend. There’s a BBQ going on with a Black family. Boom box was blasting some Soulja Boy song. I didn’t pay attention at first until I noticed a grandma doing the Superman with her grandson. It was random because she was like maybe 41 at the OLDEST and he was like 7-8 years old. Then Lil’ Wayne’s “Lollipop” came on. Now the right thing for this grandmother to do would be to walk away. She proceeds to allow this little kid to grind on her. Now, she had a drink brown bagged and she wasn’t to steady on her feet, so she most likely was drunk…but come the fuck on. Worst part is that the rest of the guests were cheering them on. The only thing I could think of was a phrase I heard my best friend say, “I’m not saying all black people are coons, but these niggas right here are fucking coons.” As my friend was walking into the park, a fight broke out so we left. As the cops ran into the park I heard someone yell, “This ‘zactly why we can’t have nuthin’.” She was right.

Ghetto people are why I avoid watching the news, no matter what the topic is. From stock market crashes, civil unrest in a 3rd world country, to the death of a pop legend from Japan, TV crews always happen to find that one uneducated, ghetto person. You know exactly who I’m talking about. That one person out in the streets who has absolutely no sense of the meaning of the event, why the event is historically relevant, no meaningful opinion and absolutely no business speaking to the world in any way, shape or form because they’re fucking failures. Sometimes the newscaster attempts to keep them from embarrassing themselves and doesn’t even talk to anyone, but there’s some random ass dummy in the background throwing up gang signs, waving a baby (not necessarily his baby) or on a cell phone calling someone to tell them they’re on TV. Meanwhile, it’s 2pm and you out in the street not doing shit cause you ain’t got no job and you waving on tv like a fucking sambo. FUCK YOU GHETTO PEOPLE ON TV.

Everyone knows at least 1 person who goes by the code of “Fuck it! I can’t deny who I is or where’s I’m from. I’m ghetto nigga. Thug Life! Fuck You. Take That Take That!” This is the person you may have been really close to back in the day before you had any form of life education and realized there were classier places to eat than Applebee’s on 42nd. Usually they are a person who could have had some sense but won’t let go of an ideal that SHOULD be beneath them. The problem with them is not where they come from, but what they refuse to let go (Hood tendencies that are fucking pointless). Here are a few reasons why I hate you.

1. Ghetto people always wear clothes that don’t fit. Men usually wear shit that’s too big and women don’t wear enough clothes.
2. Ghetto people fry too much food and fry food too much.
3. Ghetto heroes are people who just shouldn’t be heroes. Why are kids looking up to Scarface and rappers destined to be, if not already, bankrupt?
4. Ghetto people don’t learn from their mistakes. You’re on your 3rd baby daddy, and you still haven’t learned that condoms are the way to go? Really?
5. Ghetto literature is the worst. You can’t tell me that The Coldest Winter Ever and Homo Thug are quality American literature.
6. Ghetto people always feel like they’re entitled to shit. That’s why I don’t go to hood hospitals. I refuse to wait in a room with some niggas demanding shit they will never pay for.
7. Ghetto women are always too fucking loud.

Here’s something I don’t get about ghetto females. So you basically refuse to learn or, at the very least, utilize any form of the intelligence or knowledge you claim to have to fuel your conversation, but you always have something to say. So when you’re on the 2 train on your way to the club or wherever you plan on acquiring your next baby daddy, why do you have so much to say? Is the Tyra Banks Show or the latest episode of College Hill really all that important? Do you aspire to be on Maury? How does that make you cool?

Vernacular makes every conversation more interesting. People from certain parts of Boston have an accent that I find annoying but that is undeniably entertaining. I have a flair for vernacular myself but I am able to speak in the most universal form of the English language, which is simply proper English. This is not “talking white” and to use that phrase is to say, whether you intend to or not, that “dem big word’s ain’t fo me yo. I’ms not smart nuff fo dat.” That may be acceptable for you but for us non-idiots, not so much. If you don’t possess the will to thrive in any other area then where you are from, if you’re not trying to work with the world and think only of where you’re from, you aren’t going anywhere. It’s not selling out to get smarter and become universal, it’s called growing the fuck up.

Ghetto clubs are undeniably the worst though, narrowly beating out BET. How so, you ask? Is there anything worse than being in a place that you just paid 30 bucks to get into and got forced to wear shoes when about 20 other people just walked in with scuffed up Timbs? You’re outside waiting for like a half hour to get into a place with highly over priced drinks, scandalous sluts with no personality waiting to pounce on anyone with a car or willing to buy them a drink, and a guaranteed temperature somewhere around 116 degrees Celsius. You get ice grilled from the time you walk in until the time you walk out and the night will undoubtedly end early because a fight WILL BREAK OUT.

You should never be ashamed of where you come from. And you should never be afraid to be who you truly are. But you acknowledging where you come from should NEVER keep you from where you want to be. And if you wanna remain downtrodden and misused, that’s exactly what you deserve. Complaining about the atrocities of an existence where everyday is a struggle is retarded when you long for that type of surrounding anyway. There’s nothing pretty about little kids smoking or singing songs that they don’t understand. Stop being sambos, ghetto America. Your kids will thank you later. 1


  1. i agree. hood clubs blow

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Its so sad but true. Ghetto people demand attention whether warranted or not. The style alone is enough to comment on...5X white tees, gold teeth, and catsuits are never appropriate. I don't care what you do for a living. It's sad because ghetto people are destined to be just that. Most can't switch it off. Once it becomes intertwined with how others perceive you it is really hard to get out of. If all you know is the ghetto and that lifestyle...who else do you have to admire but people like soulja boy and young jeezy?

  4. Your right about it but think about this those people have no one encouraging them to do other wise, some people in the Bronx are not encourage to go to college, step outside of what they know and actually have someone telling them that they can do more than sell drugs and raise kids at the age of 16...

    Sad but true

  5. Aileen, you and I were in grammar school together. We both lived in the hood. Hell, I don't know about you but as of right this second, I still do. There is no excuse for failing to accept the world. I'll give you that it's not that easy for some with retarded parents who don't instill the need for education, but that doesn't determine whether or not that's the type of mentality you have.

    There's no excuse for not knowing the world that's literally blocks away from you. ESPECIALLY in NYC. Maybe some rinky dink town in rural Alabama, but in NYC all you have to do is get lost to get cultured half the time.

  6. wow.. that was the best thing i have read in a long time.. it was so real.. that should be published for the nyc population to read... seriously.. you summed up the ghetto.. i never really thought about it.. but why do people look up to scarface? where is he now?
    and grandma grindin on a minor?
    if that was a 14 yr old girl and a 37 yr old guy.. ppl would be callin foul.. but i guess thats how society goes.. their ok with cougers.. but what do we call old guys who go after younger girls? pedohpiles?

  7. It's tough to get out of a circle if that's all you've known. We live in NYC where different cultures thrive all around us but you ever think that it might be overwhelming because it is so much? It's like teaching 2+2 to someone; You can't jump ahead and try teaching them all of the 13x table right after. Everything has to come in steps and if you have no one to be there and show you what the next step is, then it seems almost impossible to get out of the loop. Good post.
