Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Why is it OK that you're Huge, Ms. Big Girl?

I do not care what euphemism you use. Big boned. Plump. Full figured. You are NOT cute or better because you're big. NO. No you're not. NO.

I wanna start off by saying I am in no way a fan of the Keira Knightly, Lara Flynn Boyle, Mid to Late 2000s Cameron Diaz style of woman who look like they’re allergic to meal portions that don’t fit in a crack vile or can’t be snorted. Not saying that any of these women do coke or are opposed to eating, but if I told you that any one of them did coke or was opposed to eating, would that really be a big surprise?

That being said I can’t stand an over confident fat bitch like Michael Jackson couldn’t stand being black.

There are several reasons I dislike over confident fat women. First, fat bitches take up too much space. People who use public transportation know what im talking about. I’m not the only person who’s been sitting on the train minding his own business when a huge bitch comes thru and damn near knocks the lights out of them. Yes they are a human and paid just like I did. But it called “getting in where you fit in.” If you’re squeezing YOU DON’T FIT!

Second, confidence in your physical appearance should come from maintaining a standard and striving for improvements. If I told you that I was ignorant and said “I ain’t know smarty pants, know it all book reading thinka” the only place where I would be taken seriously would be FOX News and Middle America. This is a problem. May not be easily corrected but you can correct the problem. Why is it ok to say “I ain’t no salad eating, regularly exercising person who cares about not expanding and invading the personal space of everyone ever in life.” How does being visibly out of shape inspire confidence?

Third, I can’t stand hearing bullshit. I do not know 1 fat girl who wanted to be fat. The very vast (pun definitely intended) majority of fat women don’t wanna be fat. The self acceptance movement of the big girl, to me, is an acceptance of failure. No, I’m not saying go do some unhealthy shit to lose weight. No, I’m not advocating you go kill yourself. I am advocating the need for honesty and change.

Honestly I and most men can’t be attracted to you because you’re too big. No, a confident personality will not make up the difference for what you lack in cuteness and No, that does not make me shallow. I’ve always been from the school of thought that you can MAKE YOURSELF. So you never have to accept what you are as long as you’re willing to acknowledge it work toward change. Now that won’t necessarily make you beautiful but at least you’ll look like you care.


  1. I completely agree. There are 2 different fat people in this world I think. The fat person who is trying to lose weight and is hitting the gym and eating right to lose some weight and the other who thinks its ok and do nothing about it. It shows a lack of drive to improve oneself. That is nothing to be proud of.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I understand your train of thought and its well said..

    Then again lets remember that this unhealthy lifestyle is a matter of choice for fat people...
    We have friends that choose to live it and friends that dont, no one is perfect..

    I made a choice not to continue down that path and sacrifice to get results.. I wish more people would make that choice so they can feel what I felt when I got some goals taken care of... but I dont hate them.. I respect their choices... thats the only thing we can do...

  4. Rizz, you chose to get healthy and lose weight for all the right reasons. Why should I be OK with someone who refuses to do the same? Why is ok to give up on being healthier? Looking better? Not taking up as much space?

    Those lame euphemisms are a white flag saying "fuck you. I'm fat and I don't give a fuck you have to love me anyways." NO. Just like if I saw someone who was ridiculously skinny, I wouldn't find that attractive or acceptable. But the worst thing you can do in these situations is accentuate your flaws. THAT'S RETARDED. That's like pointing out a herpes sore on your lip and saying it gives you character or a chip tooth. FUCK OUT OF HERE.

  5. You are right... It is not ok to give on on being healthier... but with all the free information out there on getting healthy and living longer... if people choose not follow good advise then what can we do but excersice our choice to stay away from that if we so choose...

    I will clearly state this, however, I do dislike people that are obviously not in peak physical condition (Obese, or Toothpicks) and act like their shit doesnt stink.. I can continue down this path and have a body that can compete in the Arnold Classic... but you wont find one ounce of over confidence.
    Confidence yes.. over confidence no...

  6. Honestly, there's a paradigm shift that often needs to take place in people's minds/hearts. They have to understand that a healthy lifestyle is FAR MORE WORTH IT than the short-term enjoyment of food in the mouth.

    'Course, I love a good angus burger or 16oz steak now and then. I also know that I'll love those even more if I put in a good 3-mile run several times in a week.

    Besides, think of the long-term effects of complacency in that kind of lifestyle. Heart disease, diabetes, to name a couple. . . I mean, do they really like being out of breath after walking from the kitchen to the couch?

  7. Hey

    We all need a place to rant.

    I get your point...
    The choice is the persons, if they want to lose the weight and really lose it to better themselves they can. Theres those who say they will and dont.
    Then theres those who believe that "bigger is better". Its all a matter of preference...
    For example, I thought myself to be "big" and finally decided to do something about it and with every pound i lose to get closer to my goal the better im starting to feel about myself.
    But I have people I know that loves that extra something to hold on too and would rather go for the BBWs then anything else. Que sera, sera....
    To each their own....

    oh and for the post above...
    Why Walk?? Hoveround baby!

  8. oh fat chicks...

    they won't shut up becuase there's always some guys with seriously low confidence who are willing to get near black-out and fuck 'em. shame shame shame.

  9. fat chicks they dont want to lose weight if they realy want to lose son fat the get that operacion or liposion cuz medicare paid for it.
    a fat person telling u this.
