Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ask An Asshole. Part 2. Fucking Friends.

Once again, I’m answering the questions America wants answered. This one is from an anonymous woman with a question I almost didn’t wanna answer at first because it was about one’s of the types of people I hate, the overly dramatic, irrational bitch. (Side note: Bitch is not exclusively in reference to females. There are shit load of bitch ass dudes out there who are suckers for drama and chicanery.)

Anonymous Questioner:

What do I do if my best friend's boo (not boyfriend, just boo) is trying to holla? I'm not interested at all, I actually find him kind of disgusting but she’s the type to over react and not think before she destroys the city. For example, if I tell her, she’s gonna make a big scene and tell everyone about the situation, but she wont really address the situation itself. It makes no sense but that’s her. I just wanna avoid drama, and avoid him. Not to mention the fact that she’s my best friend, I would never do that with any of her boos or ex’s. What should I do?

My Answer:

Lasting relationships are built on trust. If there’s any future in any relationship, whether it’s an average friendship, boyfriend/girlfriend, marriage or that person you call at 3am to lay some late night love on you, it’s based on some level of trust. The more serious the relationship, the more trust is needed. I’m assuming by “boo” that you mean they’re cool, they fuck and they are avoiding titles and it’s not an exclusive situation. This pseudo relationship is based on mutual attraction, probably a subconscious hope that eventually they will grow into something and the knowledge that you can fuck. This means it will undoubtly end in failure. That means the more important relationship to most of the parties involved is that of the one between you and the BFF. Honesty is the best policy in my book. I would wanna know this type of shit so I wouldn’t associate with that person anymore. Then again, I wouldn’t put myself in that situation where I would be dealing with a skeezer like that, but everyone fucks up once in a while.

One thing that is troubling is the fact that you KNOW she’s gonna blow things out of proportion and spazz on you. If you can’t be real with your best friend, then how is this person your best friend? The failure-ness of this situation is fucking epic. And that aside, why would she spazz on you if it’s true? Valuing friendships are important but just as important is evaluating them to make sure they’re worth while.

If you can’t truly be yourself or if there’s a quality in someone you can’t stand, no matter how long you’ve known them, you have to evaluate people on it. At the very least take into consideration what you want out of a friend. You say you wanna avoid drama but she’s gonna pull a “Flavor of Love” type tirade if you tell her the truth. That would be a “Las Vegas Wedding Chapel Starring Elvis Presley” sized indication that this bitch is a drama queen. If you’re really trying to avoid the drama, start by avoiding the dramatic. It’s science.


  1. This is stupid problem to have as a grown ass woman. We are talking about a fuck buddy here over a friendship. (I refuse to use BFF..its lame). Tell the chick she is dealing with a grimey nicca and to drop it. I would want to know and if she gets mad at you she is just really insecure and has her own issues to deal with. Keep it moving...the drama is for the birds.

  2. I conqure with what Alyse said we are grown.. and BFF is lame .. but since when did you turn in to Dear Abby???.. I'm send you my questions lmao

  3. maybe he's not "pursuing" her. maybe he just thinks she's like her bff..wack
    regardless...good stuff Joseph!
    love it!
    Dear Joseph...i will be sending u questions too...maybe we can partner up on our blogs lmao or create a whooooooole new one :-D
